Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Green means go

My dad taught me to drive. Now we all know I stole their cars a few times at a much to young age, but when I was truly able to drive my dad taught me how. He made me learn my direction first..which I knew before I got my permit license...any true dad would teach his daughter that. (right?) He made me learn all the roads for a least 6 miles in each direction. He said I couldn't take my test till I learned that. So I learned that very quickly. Then he taught me things like watch the traffic up ahead rather then just in front of you. This was something that he learned to help when he drives his dump truck. It helped me drive more quickly and navigate traffic. He also taught me how many seconds a light stays yellow. Again something he learned from the dump truck so he knew if he had enough time to make the light before it turned red. I used it for the same reason, but probably shouldn't have tested that. I have since forgotten this which I think is safer for everyone!

The last thing he taught me was to drive to the cabin. At the time it was the most dangerous highway in America. More people died in fatal accidents on that highway then anywhere else. This is smart and frightening to learn but he taught me how to take the turns and not loose my speed. He taught me how to use my brakes as little as possible. He taught me to stay to the right when I am not passing. He also taught me to yell at the other drivers who didn't do these things. I have to be honest. I think my dad taught me very well. Even my own husband is pretty impressed at how good my skill are.


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