Monday, July 29, 2013

True love

Every year when we would go up for the 24th of July to snowflake has always a fond memory for me.  One year I remember going with a group of women to the arts and crafts show, the quilt show, antique stops, etc...  Somehow your dad ended up driving us girls around for hours (I am sure not his favorite task).  It was nice of him but the part of the day that keeps running through my mind was when someone thanked Jeff and I looked up and saw this exchange between your parents.  The way your mom looked at him made it so transparent how much she adored him.  It was really sweet.  She was beaming.



  1. Kartchner Construction...
    I remember when Big Brother Jeff started Kartchner Construction and he partnered with my other Big Brother Randy... I was Sooooo Impressed with the idea that they would build homes... Great Hard Workers... The BEST house they ever built was for MeeMee & DaDa our Perkins Granparents... Building their house in Mesa brought them back close to us and it changed our lives Forever... It made MeeMee & DaDa Sooooo Happy... Thanks Randy and Jeff....!!!! The Best part was seeing that Cooooool Orange Trailer pulled all over town behind Spuda's truck.... LUV my Big Brothers
    I guess that's where I got my LUV of building & renovating...
    Luv ya,
    Cyndi yur Sis

    1. LUV for My Big Brother...
      Yesterday was a Tender Moment as I listened & watched my Big Brother have a Sparkle in his Eye as he said the City of Gilbert Building & Zoning contacted he & Vickie in regards to the plans of their new home.. When Jeff (Spuda) talks about the house it gives him a new found Strength & Determination & Hope... His #1 Goal is to build this home at the side of Gerald & Steph's home for his SweetHeart Vickie of 41 years.. as he sits in his Big Leather Chair & Bed that fits him like a Glove he reminds us who are visiting of his #1 Goal probably the last home he will build.. LUV My Big Brother & his Strong Will.. True Grit..
      Luv ya,
      Cyndi yur Sis

  2. One of my favorite memories of both Jeff & Vickie was when they were dating and Jeff brought Vickie over to Sunday dinner at our home. My mother just happened to make the BEST fried chicken in the world and we all loved it! In a family with 8 kids that loved to eat - We were quite a group! Vickie sat next to Jeff (who looked a lot like Buddy Holly with those thick glasses he wore :-) and never said a word, but did look on with amazement when Jeff started to chow down on the crispy chicken bone (that's right not the chicken, but the bone) It was finger lickin' good and he ate every bite, including the bone. I really didn't think we would ever see Vickie again, but she has stuck in there for over 30 years and I know my big brother still loves to eat the Chicken bone.... I think Vickie still just looks on in amazement, but never complains or criticizes! She loves her man inspite of it all!
